Day's Left until I become Mrs. Smith :)
2006-05-23 at 10:53 a.m.

Getting back to me - so tired

I ��heart�� doppio essperssos!!! I usually get a venti Americano no room, but I was really draggin this morning so wanted the straight dope so to peak ;).

So good. The Italians totally know the way to drink coffee. It comes in a shot glass, is super strong, but delicious and warm. It doesn��t take a lot of room so it��s a perfect pick me up. I imagine transporting it might be an issue, but you can totally shot the drink and be done with it and not have to worry about transport ;). I still love Americano��s as well, but sometime you just don��t want the extra water ya know?

Hmmm caffeine is kicking in!!! Buzzz buzz buzz.

So weigh in was 138 lbs. That��s better. I��ve still got a bit of bloat, but my lower abs are totally coming into view and my definition is coming back. YAY! Arms, abs, chest, and back. That is what I��m talking about!

Workout break down from yesterday:

141 lbs �V Whooo nelly!

AM �V 30 min chest lifts
AM �V 30 min butt lifts
AM �V 60 min elliptical w/arms
PM �V 60 min step mill
PM �V 45 min elliptical w/arms

I went out to lunch with a friend so I did the PM cardio instead. I was a total sweaty mess and exhausted. I didn��t get home to my hubby until 10pm. I ate a little then crashed at 12pm and got up at 4:51am this morning. Hence the doppio espresso��.

Today��s workout:

138 lbs �V more like it.

AM �V 30 min back lifts
AM �V 60 min elliptical w/arms
AM �V 45 min elliptical w/out arms

Sweaty, sweaty, sweaty.

I��m all caught up with my make up workouts from Sunday and today, but I still have my AF cardio to do today. I��ll probably just do 45 minutes as I��ve got a meeting to go to this afternoon.

This weekend we��re going to the Beach House to hang with the Smith family so I��m trying to double up my workouts where I can to get them in. I��ll plan on going running on Sunday and maybe Monday before we leave for home. Saturday I��ll get up early to get my abs and cardio in for the day so I can relax and enjoy myself. I��m planning on either bringing or buying food for the trip. I plan on having any fresh fish they guys catch and crab, but I��ll bring fixings for breakfast and snacks and what not. I��ll probably keep alcohol to a minimum if I have any at all. It will most likely be wine. Matter of fact we will probably bring/buy some for the trip. I��m just trying to keep things real and get back to where I was as quickly as possible. I don��t want to start getting comfortable ya know? I actually felt fat toward the end of the honeymoon and the headaches didn��t help. My body likes to move and clean eating I guess? ;)

I��m done with on call today YAY!

I��ll try to get my second cardio session done this afternoon so I can see my sweetie for longer than 1 hour before I pass out ;). I need some TLC people!!!! Oh and sleep ;).

Feeling more and more like my old self.

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(Face painting from dinner at Teatro ZinZanni)

(Engaged 9/16/05)

(Z & A in Leavenworth 12/2004)

(Z & I at Mt. Aix with Bumping Lake behind us)

(Z & A on vacation in BC)

ABOUT ME: A 30 year engaged female trying to build the ultimate body!!! Lean and strong. Fueling my body as needed. I want to challenge myself to see what I can become.

� Age:29.5
� HT: 5'5"
� PSW: 198
� CSW: 153 (1/30/06)
� GW: 135.0 (Reached on 4/5/06)
� Total weight lost=64

WK1: 146.2 (-6.8) 1/6/06
WK2: 144.6 (-1.6) 2/13/06
WK3: 143.4 (-1.2) 2/20/06
WK4: 141.2 (-2.2) 2/28/06
WK5: 141.0 (-0.2) 3/6/06
WK6: 139.4 (-1.6) 3/13/06
WK7: 138.2 (-1.2) 3/20/06
WK8: 136.0 (-2.2) 3/29/06
WK9: 134.8 (-1.2) 4/5/06
WK10: 134.8 (0) 4/12/06
WK11: 134.0 (-0.8) 4/19/06
WK13: ?

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